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President Obama‘s health care overhaul aka Obamacare and The Affordable Care Act will open, while the government shuts down. It is being reported that the federal government will shut down on Tuesday because the House and the Senate are unable to pass a spending bill that resolves their deep and persistent differences over Obamacare. President Obama has made one thing crystal clear–even if the government shuts down, Obamacare will continue on. This means the way that countless Americans receive and pay for their personal medical care will be affected.

Must Read: What New Health Care Law Means To Your Family

“On Tuesday, about 40 million more Americans will be able to finally buy quality, affordable health care, just like anybody else,” Obama said on Friday. The new health insurance exchanges, he said, “will be open for business on Tuesday no matter what — even if there’s a government shutdown. That’s a done deal.”

So what does this mean for women? Obamacare will reform our nation’s costly and unfair health insurance market and will be the greatest legislative advancement for women’s health!

Check out the top reasons we at HelloBeautiful believe women should be in support of Obamacare:

1.  Coverage Of Preventive and Essential Services For Women

Women’s health issues could fill up an entire medical encyclopedia, so Obamacare’s plan ensuring coverage for preventive and essential services is supreme. Things like gestational diabetes checks (or any prenatal care), HPV/STD/HIV testing, STD counseling, contraceptive counseling, breastfeeing counseling/support and screening for domestic violence and maternity care–among other women’s medical services will be completely covered. Preventive services that have strong evidence of their health benefits must be covered and plans can no longer charge a patient a copayment, coinsurance or deductible for these services when they are delivered by a network provider. I’d say that was a plus.

More from HelloBeautiful: Affordable Care Act 101

2. Eliminates Gender Discrimination By Health Insurance Companies

It’s been reported that gender discrimination by health insurance companies cost women $1 billion a year. How is it possible that insurance companies can go around charging women more than men with the same procedure? The practice is called gender rating and The Affordable Care Act eliminates gender rating, requires all plans to provide maternity coverage and prohibits sex discrimination in health plans from insurance companies that receive federal funds or are conducted by the federal government. In your face insurance company big wigs! I had no clue they were even overcharging women!

3. Provides Available Health Care For Women And Families

Health insurance is a big issue for mothers and children. Women use health care services at higher rates on behalf of themselves and their families. Obamacare has already eliminated the practice of “rescission,” (voiding coverage after a policyholder gets sick). It also prohibits insurers from denying coverage to children under age 19 because of pre-existing conditions. Young adults can now stay on a parent’s plan up to age 26–which in our troubled economy, can only be a benefit. Obamacare prohibits insurers from denying coverage to children under age 19 because of pre-existing conditions. And adult children can now stay on a parent’s plan up to age 26, an especially helpful provision in this tough economy, where finding a job with benefits is challenging.

For more information, check

We’re excited about Obamacare being implemented. How are you feeling about it? Let’s discuss on Twitter @HelloBeautiful and @Rhapsodani.

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More of HelloBeautiful’s coverage of President Obama:

6 Surprising Ways The Health Care Law Will Change Your Life

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3 Reasons Obamacare Is Important For Women  was originally published on