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Outside of his charming smile, athletic frame and humble demeanor, Michael B. Jordan proved that he is an incredible acting talent with his Oscar worthy performance in the independent film about the shooting of Oscar Grant, “Fruitvale Station.”

Jordan, widely known for his roles in “The Wire,” “Friday Night Lights” and ” Red Tails,” delivers a sincere depiction of Oscar Grant. And that could partially be attributed to the amazing script, researched and written by equally as young of a lad–Ryan Coogler.

“Fruitvale Station” Review: ‘Fruitvale Station’ Reveals The Strained Relationship Between Police & Men Of Color [OPINION]

“Fruitvale Station” follows the lead-up events to the day–New Years Day– that Oscar was gunned down in the Bay area while riding the BART by a police officer while under arrest. Camera footage from the event The film won the Audience Award for U.S. dramatic film at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and is being praised as a “must-see” for all races and ages.

During a recent round-table discussion with the director and screenwriter Coogler, he called actors the “vessel” to which the public connects with the story and the words couldn’t be truer in this instance where Jordan is able to emote the desperation and anger only a convicted felon could understand. His portrayal of Grant, 22, is honest and hearty.

5. He went above and beyond expectations to embody the character of Oscar Grant

There is an intense scene in “Fruitvale Station” where Oscar (Michael B. Jordan), in order or to partake in visiting hours with his mother (played by Octavia Spencer), had to squat and cough in front of prison guard. Jordan exposed himself in a degrading light.

“We spoke to Jordan at a round-table discussion where he told us,”I actually volunteered, I wanted to do it. That’s what he would have done.”

5 Reasons Michael B. Jordan (Fruitvale Station’) Is The Next ‘It’ Guy!  was originally published on

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