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5. Drunkorexia

Restricting food intake in order to reverse those calories for alcohol and binge drinking. 

While alcohol and food consumption should go hand in hand when it comes to moderating alcohol absorption, drunkorexics exhibit behaviors that save calories in favor of booze and the avoidance of weight gain. This decision can be dangerous since it can lead to alcohol poisoning, uninhibited sexual behavior and both heart and liver diseases.

You Are Not Alone. Here’s Help.

No matter how disordered eating may be classified in your life or the life of a friend, the first and most important step is to seek outside help. Eating disorders are illness and require appropriate professional help, so for more information on how to prevent and recover from eating disorders visit the National Eating Disorder Association

In addition to this, the road to recovery from any addiction is a daily journey. I recently came across a groundbreaking new mobile app called DTOX and was vey impressed with it’s ability to allow people to monitor their daily success of overcoming a food addiction. The app tracks the number of days the person has overcome their food addiction with a digital clock feature, giving them a visual to be proud of. There is also a community feature that allows users to connect with customized support groups for encouragement as they succeed in overcoming their obstacles with food and self-image. Check it out here: DTOX

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

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Taboo Addictions: 5 Adult Eating Disorders That Go Beyond Anorexia & Bulimia  was originally published on

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