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Subject: Crazy Wacky Something Like A Relationship

Dear Shirley and Steve,

I first want to say to you that although I don’t know you personally as a fan I think you’re an amazing person a stranger tp me but someone whom I feel comfortable seeking advice from about a relationship issue. You Steve I am a young 27 years of age woman raised without a father whom a lot of men seem to be attracted to. I have sort of a bad track record according to the types of relationships I’ve been in, but after reading your book it inspired me and helped me to choose a different way of going about things when getting to know a man who I might be interested in. So in July I met this guy out at a bar now Iwas under the influence when he asked me for my number I gave it to him. Usually when that happens I ignore the guys phone calls it’s a part of my motto when a guy gets your number at a bar he usually doesn’t have any good intentions,but this one called me I ignored him then he called me again leaving me a very nice message that caught my attention. After calling him back I spoke to him on the phone everyday until September when I finally saw him again in person. Now I must warn u Steve this is a complicated situation see this guy happens to be my cousins cousin off of her dad’s side where I am related to her through our mothers. I never met this guy until July. He also happens to be my cousins best friends ex boyfriend. Anyways i saw him again at a birthday get together of my cousins after that we started to see one another more often. I was invited to his home where we watched a movie then out of no where in comes his ex walking straight into his apartment. Now this is the catchy part of my story this female did a lot of cheating through out their relationship got pregnant then yrs letter found out the child was not his, by this time he was already attached to the child and decided to still b in the Childs life. So when the ex came walking into his apartment he made her leave and told me that he had been allowing her and the child to stay because they had no where else to go. After seeing me there she moved all of her stuff out then he had me over almost every night with no sex involved. Now we get to the end of October the first time we had sex, I know bad on my doing seeing as how he was still not my man but I did it. Then we started going on dates our relationship was growing. The end of November came and my cousin felt the need to tell her best friend about her ex boyfriend and me, I guess my cousin didn’t want to be a fake friend. The ex girlfriend gets upset and goes off on him. Then she gave him this sob story about not having a place to stay and got him to let take his apartment while he stayed with his grandmas. From then on things between him and I moved backwards, almost like a french braid coming lose. Now I don’t know what to do we no longer spend any time together and back to the over the phone relationship. Steve what should I do pack my bags and keep it moving or stick around and see what happens?

I need your advice

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