Read today's Strawberry Letter about a man who recently tested HIV positive, and his partner was aware she was HIV positive the entire relationship. Get tested.

Read today's Strawberry Letter about a woman in love with her professional friend. Read more for details and to listen to Steve Harvey and Shirley Strawberry's response.

Read today's Strawberry Letter about a man who has been keeping a dark secret from his wife for 12 years, then listen to Steve Harvey and Shirley Strawberry's response.

Read and listen to the response from <strong>Shirley Strawberry</strong> and <strong>Steve Harvey</strong> regarding today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong>, and give us your opinion.<!--more-->

Would you allow your <strong>spouse's mother</strong> to move in your <strong>house</strong>? Under what circumstances? Read today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> and give us your response.<!--more-->

Read today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> about a <strong>love triangle</strong> between cousins. What would you do if you discovered your boyfriend or girlfriend was sexually involved with your family member?<!--more-->

Read this <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> about a man whose wife has found a lost love on the Internet. Listen to <strong>Shirley Strawberry's</strong> and <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> response to the letter. Also, give us your opinion.<!--more-->

Read today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> about a woman who left her current boyfriend for her baby's daddy, but things aren't going as good as she thought they would. Give us your opinion.<!--more-->

Read today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> about a man who says he married a lazy woman with a bad attitude, then listen to <strong>Shirley Strawberry</strong> and <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> response to this letter.<!--more-->

Read today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong>, listen to <strong>Shirley Strawberry</strong> and <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> response then give us your opinion.<!--more-->

Should a <strong>wife</strong> of five years confront her <strong>husband</strong> about her dreams of him having sex with other men? Give us your opinion of the <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> and listen to <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> response.<!--more-->

Read the <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> about a woman torn between three men. Listen to <strong>Shirley Strawberry</strong> and guest host <strong>Cedric the Entertainer</strong> comment on this letter and give us your opinion.<!--more-->