Why did a woman in … Florida…  beat up her pregnant sister because the woman would not return a piece of weave?  One sister had given the weave to the other for Christmas and the pregnant woman had the weave in her head on her way to work.  The 24 year old pregnant sister refused […]

Why did a woman in New York find the leg of a dead rat sewn into the hem of a garment.  She said she started noticing a strong odor but couldn’t get away from it.  Finally she saw what she thought was a string rubbing against her but it was the leg of a rodent […]

Why did a woman in New Jersey eat a Popeye’s chicken and make a disturbing discovery? Why did she find what she claims to be a rat head in her meal For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Nude Man Breaks Into Home Bites Woman and Dies Unarmed Black Man […]

Why is there a video from China… where a rat is big….. like the ones in New York….. The rat is so big that it chases a cat until the cat runs away For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below OJ Grooves To Song About Murders Dog Under Police Car […]

Why did diners in Japan sit down to a raw fish dinner…. when the half eaten fish came back to life…  his fin started to shake….  then he jumped off the plate….. It was caught on cell phone video… Funk Dat    At least you know the part you ate was fresh…. Listen to Funk […]

Entertainment News

We aren’t sure why anyone would even go digging for this information…as it seems a reasonable assumption that Rev. Al would now be in grave…