Seek first to understand then to be understood. – Author Unknown A peaceful resolution often requires some type of compromise. Don’t be so stubborn that you allow your pride to ruin a good relationship. Before you judge, put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand their point of view.

“Positive thoughts produce progress.” – Anon Faith is the fuel that will take you to the finish line while doubt will only build a wall between you and your dream. Remember, believing in yourself is the first step to success, so do your best to be optimistic. If you stay positive, good things and good […]

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. ~Will Rogers Success not only requires a positive attitude, it also requires action. Don’t allow yourself to get comfortable. Remember, doers will always achieve more than dreamers. Instead of just contemplating on your next move, make it!

Your focus determines your reality – Author Unknown Every thought is a seed with the potential to grow into your reality. When your thoughts are positive, your life will produce the same. To elevate your life, you must start by elevating your mind. Remember, your focus determines your reality. Always give your attention to a […]

“One man’s opinion does not have to become your reality” – Les Brown Unfortunately, not everyone will support you but don’t let naysayers distract you from your dream. Instead of giving your attention to people who are trying to bring you down, focus your attention on those who encourage and lift you higher.

“Success is connected with action.” – Anon Don’t just wish for what you want, WORK for it and don’t let mistakes discourage you. Remember, successful people keep moving, they may fall short here and there, but they don’t quit. Perseverance produces progress, keep going until you get it done!  

“A bad attitude is like a flat tire, if you don’t change it, you’ll never go anywhere.” – Author Unknown Bad attitudes do nothing but build walls between you and opportunities. Remember, progress is not just about what you do but how you THINK. Always do your best to be optimistic and have a positive […]

“Worrying empowers the things you fear.” – Anon Remember, if you want to attract goodness into your life, you have to keep your mind focused on a positive outcome. Don’t stress yourself over things that you can’t change, instead, be optimistic, and have faith that a higher power is always working for you.

The only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you. – Zig Ziglar When a person is threatened by your progress, their admiration turns to envy. But you should never let someone else’s jealousy stop you from being great. Try not to take it personal when someone attacks […]

The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. ~Ralph Blum The struggles you experience in life are designed to make you better NOT bitter. Remember, every mistake is an opportunity to do things better the next time around. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, turn your obstacles into opportunities.

Feed your faith and starve your fears. – Anon Success requires hard work but it also requires faith. Remember, doubt will only delay your dream. To reach your goal, you must start by BELIEVING in yourself.

“To change your life, change your habits.” – Author Unknown Everything you have and everything you don’t have is related to the choices you make. To see progress in your life and experience growth, you have to start by making better choices and developing successful habits. Remember, you are what you repeatedly do, success is […]