“Your progress depends on your plan.” – M.T.Collins Remember, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. In order to reach any goal you need a road map to your destination. Develop a plan, execute it, and your dream will be a reality before you know it!

“One’s best success often comes after their greatest disappointments.” – Henry Ward Beecher As you work towards your goal, there will be stumbles in the road but these obstacles are just temporary. Remember, success requires you to hold on, even when you want to let go. Keep fighting for your dream!

Black women have always had a way with words. It's engrained in us, as culturally, across time and space, we have used our words to survive, preserve and thrive.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” – Chinese Proverb Holding a grudge hurts you more than the person you’re mad at. Never allow another person’s evil to live in your heart. Forgiveness is designed to give you peace and allows you to move forward with your life.

“A moment of patience can prevent a lifetime of regret.” – Chinese Proverb A temporary moment of anger can potentially ruin everything you’ve worked hard far. If you find yourself in a situation where your emotions are out of control, take some time to pause and reflect BEFORE you respond. Remember, a moment of patience can […]

“Worry ends where faith begins.” – Author Unknown Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember the source of your strength.

In order to attract the things you want, you must first be grateful for the things you have. Success requires an attitude of gratitude.

“Never hope for it more than you work for it.” – Author Unknown Motivation is a great start but success requires hard work. Don’t just dream, DO! Action is what gives your dream wings. Never hope for it more than you work for it!

“Worrying gives power to the things you fear.” – M.T.Collins Remember, what you focus on, grows and if you are constantly dwelling on the negative, you’ll eventually attract it into your life. Don’t waste energy worrying about things that haven’t happened. Instead, give your attention to a positive outcome.

“Failure is a bruise, NOT a tattoo.” – Jon Sinclair Remember, mistakes don’t define you but how you overcome them does. It’s okay to fall down, but it’s not okay to STAY down. Don’t let temporary defeat keep you from you dream.

“Practice makes progress.” – Author Unknown Remember, skill comes through repetition. Practice gives you the power to achieve your goal!

“Sometimes the only taste of success a person has is when they take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar Don’t let negative people pull you down to their level. Instead, stay focused and continue to be great!