Why are sheriff’s in …Florida.. warning people about candy?  Why did the Sheriff’s association put our a warning that marijuana laced candy could be in your child’s trick or treat bag? They are voicing their concern for people’s sharing of edible marijuana For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Porno […]

Why is there a video of a woman steering her car with her feet while she is using both hands on her phone? The occupants of the car next to her said they were in her vicinity for about 20 minutes.  They honked and yelled at the woman who smirked and went right back to […]

I’ve heard of “Blue Flu”  but why did an entire police force in Green Mountain Falls Colorado resign… The town with a population of around a thousand people has a new mayor that the police don’t like For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Entire Police Force Quits Florida Man […]

Yesterday we told you that Laurence Fishburne's daughter is allegedly dating porn star Brian Pumper. Well we just found out that she's about to release her own porno.