“Every obnoxious act is a cry for help” – Zig Ziglar Sometimes, people don’t know how to act when they are hurting inside, this is why you should always try to respond with love. If you’re not careful, your frustration can turn into hate when the person you’re mad at actually needs your love. Remember, […]

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” – Winston Churchill Success requires focus. This means ignoring the things (and people) that don’t contribute to your goal. If you want to be successful, you have to eliminate the unnecessary and keep your mind on what really […]

“Don’t just wish for it, work for it.” – Author Unknown It’s important to have dreams but only ACTION will brings those dreams to life. Remember, progress is determined by what you DO. Don’t just wish for it, work for it!

“Fear is only temporary but regret lasts forever.” – Author Unknown Never let your fear decide your fate. Remember, success often requires you to do the things you are afraid of. You’re only guaranteed to fail if you give up. Don’t be intimidated to go for what you want. Instead, feed your faith and starve your […]

“Progress requires perseverance.” – Author Unknown Remember the things that come easy usually don’t last and the things that last don’t come easy. You’re only guaranteed to fail if you quit. Don’t give up just because things aren’t moving as fast as you’d like them to. It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as […]

“Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence.” – Author Unknown Sometimes the best way to deal with a negative person is to not deal with them at all. Remember, a rude person is like a plant, it feeds off of getting you mad but in order to deflect negativity, you have to learn to […]

“Do more than just exist, embrace change.” – Author Unknown Change isn’t always easy because you’re fighting to hold on and fighting to let go at the same time. However, change is necessary for growth. If you truly want to experience the fullness of life, you can’t allow yourself to stay stuck in one place. […]

Every path has a puddle. ~George Herbert Success is not just about reaching your destination; it’s also about overcoming the challenges along the way. Remember, the adversity you experience in life is not designed to hurt you; it’s designed to make you stronger! To be successful, you have to learn how to transform your wounds […]

“No matter who much you know, there’s always room to grow.” – M.Collins Always do your best to take advantage of opportunities to improve yourself. Remember, humility is the mother of greatness and it is important to be teachable at all times.

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you’re waiting.” – Joyce Meyer Progress requires action and although you may not have what you want right now, it is still important to work while you wait. Remember, what’s meant for you WILL be yours. It’s only a matter of time. So […]

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. ~Mary Manin Morrissey Sometimes, we naturally “plan for the worst” because we’re too focused on past failures instead of the things we want. Remember, fear will always stand in the way of your success. Its like a wall between you […]

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone else’s inability to see your worth.” – Author Unknown Don’t be so quick to please others that you compromise your happiness in the process. There will be people who may not like you, sometimes for no reason, but don’t let that stop you from being great. Remember, happiness […]