“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali Time is something that we will never get back. Don’t get so caught up in “killing time” that you neglect the present. Instead, make the most of every moment you are blessed to live.

“Excuses are lies wrapped up in reasons.” – Howard Wright If it is important to you, you’ll find a way, if not, you’ll find an excuse. Remember, results and excuses cannot co-exist. There will always be a reason why something “can’t” be done, but if you’re determined enough, you’ll find a way around it.

“Don’t be afraid to try, regret is worse than failure.” – Author Unknown Progress requires perseverance and sometimes success is simply a matter of holding on even when you want to let go. Remember, dreams are designed to inspire you, not intimidate you. The pain of regret is worse than failure so if you have […]