I remember looking up the nutrition information to one of my favorite “health conscious” restaurants and was mortified to see all of the saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium my favorite “veggie” burger contained. After realizing that eating there would do more harm than good, I decided to start cooking my own meals more. Many of us […]

One of the biggest complaints among women when it comes to weight loss is belly fat. There’s no doubt that getting active and doing core exercises is important to flatten your tummy. But there are also important things you should do outside of the gym. Here are 3 ways to lose belly fat without doing […]

Today’s fit tip has less to do with working out and nutrition and more to do with being still. Yes! RESTING is just as important for weight loss as proper diet and exercise. As a matter of fact, recent studies have linked sleep deprivation to obesity. Lack of sleep also leads to increased levels of hunger […]

Getting to the gym isn’t always easy, especially when you have a family, busy schedule and added responsibilities. However, you don’t have to let these things limit you from getting a good work out. As a matter of fact, you can burn as many calories cleaning up around the house as you do at the gym. […]

Being healthy is not just about what we see on the outside. It also involves having a strong mind. As a matter of fact, your mental health has a huge impact on reaching fitness goals. It is important to value yourself and it starts with the way you think. Here are things you can do […]

So, you’ve been on your weight loss journey for a couple of days and you step on the scale in the morning, only to find out you’ve GAINED 3 pounds? Immediately you’re perplexed because you’ve been doing all the “right”things. Or have you? Sometimes weight gain has nothing to do with “overeating” but more so […]

Can’t get to the gym everyday? No worries! Did you know there are simply ways to burn extra calories while you’re at the office? If you’re tight on time and can’t “workout” everyday, check out these simple tips that can help you lose weight from your job. Communicate with co-workers in person instead of by […]

Probably one of the most complained about problem areas for women is belly fat. And it seems like the older you get, the harder it is to burn fat in your midsection. While food like white bread, sugar and rice make things worse, there are also foods that can help you get rid of the […]

If you’re on a weight loss journey, you want to make the most of your time in the gym. Studies have shown that the more muscle you have, the more you maximize your fat burning potential. A great approach to your workouts is to do your weight lifting BEFORE you do cardio exercises. Here’s why: […]

Weight loss is primarily calories in vs. calories out. If your goal is to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. A great way to track calories is by using a mobile app. One of my favorites is myfitnesspal.com. It lets you log your meals and help you avoid overeating. There’s also […]

As a mother of 4 children, I’ve learned that the best way to lose weight and keep it off is through “inter dependency.” You want to have enough discipline to stick to your fitness program but you also need to be around people who are like-minded and will encourage you. If you are feeling unmotivated, try […]