A sedentary lifestyle combined with unhealthy eating habits can lead to Type 2 Diabetes and if you don’t manage it early, it could have extreme consequences. One of the best ways to tackle Type 2 Diabetes is to embrace healthier eating habits. Unfortunately, many people who are used to eating packaged/processed foods don’t know where […]

From drinking water to avoiding simple carbs, there are simple things you can do to “debloat,” Check out the full list HERE.

“A negative mind will not produce a positive life.” – Anon Remember, what you focus on grows. Feed your faith, starve your doubts and give your FULL attention to a positive outcome.

With the solar eclipse coming up this Monday, (August 21st), many people are anxious to witness the sky go dark for a few minutes. However, there are risks associated with staring directly at the sun. Click HERE to read more information about protecting your eyes from a Solar Eclipse.

Remember people on rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun and tired of their shade. Leave the haters where they belong, beneath you.

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Anon Remember, you can’t win until you BEGIN. Don’t just TALK about your dreams, take ACTION to see them through!

If you want to get the most bang for your buck in the gym, you gotta “HIIT” it. HIIT stands for “High Intensity Interval Training.” HIIT is all about short bursts of high intensity exercises (movements that elevate your heart rate quickly), followed by an extended rest period. An example of a HIIT routine would […]

Your body does a great job at adapting. If you do the same exercises over and over again, your muscles will eventually stop responding. Instead of staying stuck in the same routine, keep your body guessing! From switching your workout time, adding more weight or even rotating your rest days, switching things up is a […]

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Anon Opportunity doesn’t always knock; sometimes you have to build a door. Don’t “wait” for someone to validate your greatness. Instead, create your own path to success…you CAN do it!

The path to accomplishing your goal is not always easy. In fact, there will be moments you want to give up or even thing you weren’t “built” for this. HOWEVER, progress requires perseverance. If you mess up and eat something outside of your nutrition plan or skip a few workouts, shake it off and get […]

“Old ways won’t open new doors.” – Author Unknown You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Remember, growth often requires change. Do your best to embrace new ideas and experiences.

Don’t limit yourself to exercises that are “comfortable.” Instead, PUSH your limits and step outside of your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve been running at a 6mph pace on the treadmill, bump it up to 7mph, even if you only do it for 60 seconds at a time. Remember, your body won’t change unless you […]