“Don’t try to rush things that need time to grow.” – Author Unknown Progress requires patience and sometimes rushing things can ruin things. Remember, accomplishing great things take time. No matter what the goal, give yourself time to grow.

The first step to accomplishing anything is clearly defining your goal. This is especially true when it come to fitness. Check out THESE TIPS on setting SMART Fitness Goals!

“Worrying won’t change the outcome.” – Author Unknown Remember, what you focus on grows. Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, focus on a POSITIVE outcome!

Although sometimes it’s hard to stand still when you’re trying to lose weight, rest days are an important part of having a successful fitness journey. Click HERE to read more about how rest days are just as important as workout days.

“Doubt destroys more dreams than failure.” – Anon Remember, the first step to accomplishing anything in life, no matter what the goal, if BELIEVING that you CAN! Have faith and you’re halfway there.

From keeping you motivated to holding you accountable, there are awesome benefits to having a workout partner. There are also important characteristics to look for, check out these recommendations on finding the perfect buddy to break a sweat with in the gym! Click HERE to read more!

“Blowing out another person’s candle won’t make yours shine brighter.” – Author Unknown Don’t let jealousy corrupt your good character. We are all blessed and capable of achieving our goals. Instead of hating on what someone else has, FOCUS on your own journey!

“Don’t dwell on the mistake, focus on the lesson.” – M.T. Collins Try not to beat yourself up when you make a wrong turn. Mistakes actually have the power to make you better than what you were before. Instead of dwelling on what you can’t change, focus on the lesson.

Sometimes, WHEN you eat is just as important as “what” you eat. If you’re trying to lose weight, nutritional timing is important to consider. For the most part, you should consume your carbs first thing in the morning and before/after workouts. However, there are other strategies to consider when trying to maximize fat loss. Read […]

“Excuses will always be there, opportunity won’t” – Anon Seize the moment before it becomes a memory. Opportunities aren’t guaranteed so if you are presented with one, make the MOST of it!

No matter how complicating some people try to make it, losing weight is simply a matter of maintaining a calorie deficit. Simply put, this means burning more calories than you consume. If you can’t exercise as much as you’d like or have physical limitations that prevent you from being active, here are 5 things you […]

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” — Author Unknown Your words should reflect your true feelings. If you’ve done something wrong, don’t just say you’re sorry, MEAN it.