“Your focus creates your world.” – Author Unknown Your mind is powerful. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will begin to change for the better. Unfortunately, negative thinking will produce a darker world. So do your best to be optimistic! Give your attention to the good and positive experiences will follow.

When it comes to weight loss, the desire to reach a goal is the easy part, staying motivated? That’s a different story. If you find yourself getting discouraged, here’s a few tips to keep you focused on your fitness goals: Take it one step (or one rep) at a time: Don’t get too far ahead […]

“The distance between your dreams and reality is called action” – Author Unknown Success won’t’ just magically fall into your lap.Don’t just wish for what you want, WORK for it.

Losing weight isn’t as complex as some people try to make it. It’s simply a matter of calories in vs. calories out. In order to shed the pounds, you have to burn more calories than you consume. The problem is, a lot of folks don’t realize they are overeating and thus inadvertently gaining weight. This […]

“You are perfect exactly as you are.” – Author Unknown The foundation for happiness is rooted in self-love. Don’t waste energy trying to become someone you are not. Instead, pursue the path that makes YOU happy and always remember you are perfect, exactly as you are!

If you’re wondering why your weight loss has stalled, it could be the result of a damaged metabolism. Calorie restriction for extended periods of time can cause your body to hold on to everything you eat or go into “starvation mode.” Believe it or not, the best remedy to give your metabolism a reboot is […]

Transform yourself from a Coach Potato to a Calorie Killa! Whether you go out dancing or take a walk and enjoy this lovely Spring weather, just get active. First, let me tell you how weight loss works: To lose 1 pound you have to burn an extra 3500 calories. Now, that may seem overwhelming, but if […]

“Stop dreaming, start doing.” – Author Unknown Remember, progress requires action. In order to get results, you have make moves. Don’t just dream, DO!

While too much caffeine can send your heart racing, the right amounts can actually be beneficial when it comes to weight loss, alertness and even combating certain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Check out these quick facts about Caffeine and how it can help you reach your fitness goals. Read more HERE

“Growth often requires you to focus on a moving target.” – M.T.Collins If you don’t keep up, you’ll get passed by. Remember, change is inevitable and the ones who enjoy long term success are the ways who are able to adapt.

All of the “anti-carb” diets out there have a lot of folks afraid to even look at a slice of bread. However, carbohydrates are not only important to maintain your energy levels, they also contribute to your brain function. It’s true, a low carb diet can indeed help you shed weight but cutting out carbs all […]

“Worry ends when faith begins.” – Author Unknown Whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember where your strength comes from. Don’t let doubt build a wall between you and your dream. When you let go of fear, you release the greatness within.