Majic ATL Featured Video
Group of Women Doing Barre + TRX Workout

Source: FatCamera / Getty

Feeling unmotivated to workout? A fitness “switch-up” may be just what you need. Check out these tips to get excited about exercising again:

  1. Try something different. Whether it’s a cycle class, Zumba, Yoga or anything in between, try something you’ve never done before to renew your motivation to exercise.
  2. Boost the intensity. There’s no doubt that our bodies will eventually adapt if we stay in that “comfort zone.” Instead, PUSH yourself a little harder. If you wear a HR monitor, a great way to track your progress would be to work in a higher HR zone to give your body an extra challenge.
  3. Change your weight training routine. From increasing your weight and doing less reps to adding bursts of high intensity exercises in between, try to add more variety to your weight training routine.