“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change their future by merely changing their attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

Unhealthy food is not the only culprit when it comes to unwanted weight gain, a negative mind can also have an adverse effect on your weight loss goals. Click HERE to read more about how your attitude affects weight loss.

“A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can’t go anywhere unless you change it.” – Anon Remember, success is not about what happens to you but how you handle what happens to you. No matter how challenging the situation, do your best to approach every problem with a positive attitude.

“If the world seems cold, be the fire that warms it up.” – Anon Remember, success is not determined by what happens to you, but how your RESPOND to what happens to you. Do your best to address every problem with an attitude of optimism.

In order to attract the things you want, you must first be grateful for the things you have. Success requires an attitude of gratitude.

“Your attitude determines your altitude.” – Author Unknown Sometimes the only thing that blacks opportunity is a bad attitude. Remember, attitude is a small things that makes a big difference. Your optimism determines your distance so if you want to go far, be positive and fix your attitude! Connect with me and read more motivational messages at […]

“Your attitude will determine your outcome.” – M.Collins You get what you give. This explains why people with bad attitudes have negative experiences and get passed up for opportunity. Remember, attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference so do your best to make sure yours is positive!  

“A bad attitude is like a flat tire, if you don’t change it, you’ll never go anywhere.” – Author Unknown Bad attitudes do nothing but build walls between you and opportunities. Remember, progress is not just about what you do but how you THINK. Always do your best to be optimistic and have a positive […]

“Your attitude will determine your outcome.” – M.Collins Remember, optimism attracts opportunities and to be successful, your thoughts need to be aligned with your desires. Always do your best to focus on the positive.

You cannot expect others to love you if you do not love yourself. It sounds simple. It really is the root cause of why people have as many problems as they do in this world. They do not express the love that God gave them within themselves.  If we look at why there is such […]

After viewing the  fight videos of Teen Mom  Janelle and the fist fight on the subway, I am left with a question. Do we instantly go  from zero to revenge and avenge in thirty seconds? Revenge does not serve any proper survival role. The original harm is already done. Revenge will not undo it Revenge […]

It is around this time every year that people begin to get severe cases of “career change iti-s” Though not everyone will participate we can begin thinking about it. If you are considering a career change here are 8 steps to help make it easier. 1. Do you really want to change careers? A career […]